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The features which are currently in the game.
+ All 822 Pokemon ( These includes Alolan forms too.)
+ No Gym but instead of it, tournaments will be held throughout the game.
+ Elite Battle System
+ HM can be deleted just like TM. ( so cheers no HM slave.)
+ No Trading, instead of it a Trade Stone will be used to evolve Pokemon like Machoke.
+ Mega Evolution
+ Quick save (By pressing F8)
+ EXP ALL (Every Pokemon in the team will get experience after a battle.)
+ Gain Exp when catch a new Pokemon
+ A deep, dark and twisted story.
+ Replace Party Pokemon (If your party is full and you caught a new Pokemon then you will be asked whether you want to keep it or send it to the PC.)
+ Pokemon following
+ Gen 5 Repel system
+ Pokemon can evolve during battle
+ Random Item {Player can receive any item (not key item) in some areas}
+ Mega Evolution takes place BEFORE turn order is decided
+ Hyper Training
+ Wonder Trade (offline)
Features: News
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